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Consolidated Inbox Overview
Consolidated Inbox Overview

Learn how to use Inbox to view and manage replies from your contacts from all sequences in one place

Natalie Martinez avatar
Written by Natalie Martinez
Updated over 10 months ago

PeopleLinx's Inbox is also known as a Consolidated Inbox, as it gathers all threads from all sequences initiated by all team members in one place. Inbox is a useful feature that helps streamline your communication management within the PeopleLinx platform. This makes it easy for you to check all the replies from automatic and manual emails and respond to them quickly.

To access the Inbox, simply click on the Inbox button in the main header menu. The counter of unread messages will also be shown near the button, making it easy to see when you have new messages to read.

Please note that Inbox only shows replies from your contacts that came from automatic and manual emails at the moment. However, we are actively working to include replies from additional channels that can be used for outreach in PeopleLinx, including SMS, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.

Why use Inbox?

Previously, if you had more than one active sequence, you had to check each sequence's responses in a different inbox. The difficulty was that switching between multiple inboxes in different parts of the platform was time-consuming and inconvenient.

Consolidated inbox, in turn, allows you to manage all of your threads from all sequences in one place. It can serve as the main communication tool in PeopleLinx because it allows you to manage all your chat conversations, filter, and group all the replies, as well as perform advanced actions on the emails.

View threads

Once the contacts have replied to you, all the messages will be shown in the Inbox. All messages will be displayed chronologically, with the most recent replies on top.

Please note. If you haven't received any replies yet, your inbox will be empty.

One page can accommodate up to 50 threads. You can switch between the pages by clicking on the ᐸ ᐳ buttons in the upper left corner.

The inbox will show all threads with the following details:

  • Channel in which a contact responds to you (automatic, or manual emails). The light blue color of the icon represents manual emails, while the dark blue - automatic emails.

  • Full name of a contact who replied to you.

  • Categories reflect the contact's interest and are assigned automatically by our AI algorithm, which classifies them based on the tone of email replies (standard categories). You can also create custom categories to tag conversation threads by yourself.

  • Subject + body of the message.

  • Sequence where the thread was initiated.

  • The date/time of the last received message in the thread.

Click on the Split pane mode icon to switch between two modes of viewing threads:

  • Standard mode. This mode allows you to view the list of all threads.

  • Half-opened mode. This mode displays the list of threads + the panel with opened thread. Using it, you can easily go through the message one by one while seeing the list of all responses.

When you click on the thread, a history of all messages initiated with the contact will be displayed, along with all its details (an avatar of the contact, the contact information, full name, email address, etc.).

You can pull contact details directly to the contacts card and so save new contacts. Here's a more detailed article about how to view contact details in the thread and pull the contact's card (coming soon) right from the Inbox.

Click on the message to expand it. You can also use the icons in the upper left corner to perform quick actions on the whole thread:

  • Return to the main inbox page with all threads;

  • Mark the message as unread;

  • Add category.

You can also perform bulk actions in the inbox:

  1. Checkmark all the needed threads, or select all messages at once by clicking on the All button.

  2. Click on the corresponding icon on the top to perform the needed action. The available actions include: mark as read, mark as unread, or manually assign/reassign category.

Respond to replies

1. To respond to a reply, click on the message in the inbox to view a thread. There are two ways to respond to a message:

  • Click on the PeopleLinx button at the bottom of the thread to reply to the entire thread;

  • Click on the ⬅ button in front of the particular message to attach your reply as a comment message to a particular message.

Please note. You can reply only to threads that you have initiated. If you are viewing the thread initiated by your team member in PeopleLinx, you cannot reply to these messages.

2. Once you click the reply button, you can use the text field to create your response.

  • Use templates and insert variables to facilitate the process of creating an answer.

  • The eye icon in the upper right corner allows you to preview your message.

  • Use the lower tab for additional text formatting such as adding pictures, videos, links, etc.

3. Click on the "Send" button.

Search threads

Use the search bar in the upper right corner to find threads faster. You can search threads by entering the first or/and last name of the contact, the subject line of an email, and the email address of the contact.

Here's a detailed article on how to use search in the Inbox. (coming soon)

Filter replies by team members who initiated the threads

You can quickly filter all the threads by the team member who initiated them in their sequences. Click on the All button in the upper left corner and select one of the available options:

  • All - to view threads that were started by all team members;

  • My - to view threads that belong only to you;

  • Particular team member - to view threads that were started by a particular team member.

Once you filter threads by team member, the filters, categories, and numbers of messages will be changed accordingly.

Filter replies by categories

Categories are listed in two blocks (Main categories and Inbox categories) on the left-side panel of the Inbox.

In front of each category, there is the number of unread messages in the threads, so you can quickly evaluate how many unread messages each category has.

You can simply click on the category to view all threads that relate to it.

Main categories can be selected in combination with Inbox categories to filter the threads. For example, Unread and Interested could be selected at the same time, and it would filter Interested threads among the unread threads.

The main categories include:

  • Inbox - when you click on it, you will see all the threads in your Inbox; by default, this filter is used when you open your inbox.

  • Unread - when you click on it, you will see threads only with unread messages. Here's a more detailed guide on how to filter threads by the Unread state. (coming soon)

  • AI draft - when you click on it, you will see threads that have replies generated by Jason AI. Here's a detailed guide on how to enable reply handling with Jason AI. (coming soon)

Inbox categories are based on the contact's interests, and they include labels such as Interested, Not interested, Do not contact, Not now, and more.

When you click on the inbox category, you will see all the threads that relate to the selected main category (Inbox, Unread, or AI draft) and inbox category.

For more information about inbox categories, here are some useful articles (coming soon):

  • how to assign/reassign inbox categories for your threads

  • how to create custom categories for your threads

Filters on the top of the page

Use filters in the upper menu to filter threads by:

  • All sequences. Select the name of the sequence(s) from the drop-down list to view replies that relate only to the selected sequence(s).

  • All emails. Filter replies by sending emails.

  • All categories. Filter replies by one or a few available categories of response. You can filter both by standard and custom categories.

  • All time. Filter replies by the timeframe when the messages were sent (possible options: All time, Older than 1 month, Older than 3 months, Older than 6 months, Custom).You can also use a combination of several filters.

You can also use Inbox at the sequence level (article coming soon) to view messages that have been initiated in one particular sequence. Inbox at the sequence level has the same functionality as Consolidated Inbox. The only exception is that there are no filtering options by sequence and team member. Both inboxes are synced and updated simultaneously.

Other than that, if you have problems with receiving too many emails including auto-replies, out-of-office messages, and bounced emails, you hide such messages. Here's a detailed guide on how to hide or unhide the auto-replies. (coming soon)

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