Important: Email and First Name are mandatory fields. Other fields are optional - you can select multiple fields to map in addition to Email and First Name. You can also create a custom field and map it with a field from your .csv file.
While setting up a new sequence, you can add people to the sequence by either clicking the Add People button or the red Plus button (if there is at least 1 contact in the sequence). You can do the same steps if you need to add more people to an already running sequence.
Import from CSV
If you select the Import from CSV option, you should either drag and drop the .csv file or browse from your computer.
2. After you have selected the file for importing, you will see the Map attributes step. From here, you can quickly find any field you want to map by clicking the search box on the right and entering the field name:
3. After you click Continue:
You can select the list you want to import your contacts to or divide the number of contacts between a few lists (learn more about lists for segmenting your contacts here) (article coming soon)
You can also create a new list directly in this step -> name your new list -> select it then from the drop-down and hit Import:
Skip updating existing contacts - this option helps you avoid overwriting contact's data with the data from the new upload (in case the contact already exists in your PeopleLinx account).
Detect contact time zone automatically - this option lets you use the contact's time zone for sending emails in case you have City/State and Country in your CSV file. You can learn more about this option here. (article coming soon)
4. After clicking Import, the system begins processing the file. You can close the dialog window and continue working within PeopleLinx, or wait until the import finishes to see the results.
When the import process finishes, you will see the notification in the notification area. Click View import results to open the Import results dialogue window.
5. The Import results dialog window shows how many contacts were imported, updated, or skipped, as well as the number of errors during import. In case of any errors, you can download a .csv file containing the errors.
Imported - means the number of contacts that are newly added to your account.
Updated - is the number of contacts that already exist in your PeopleLinx account. The current import updates the data in their profiles (if it differs).
Skipped - shows the number of duplicated records in your CSV. PeopleLinx removes duplicates at the import stage.
Import errors - shows the number of records that failed to import. The most common reason is that First Name or Email is missing for that specific contact. You can also download a CSV with the contacts that failed to import. Wrong field format means that you are trying to import a text to a custom field with the number type.
How to map the .csv file fields to PeopleLinx custom contact fields
When you import contacts to PeopleLinx using a .csv file, you can map the .csv file fields to custom PeopleLinx fields. For more information on how to create custom contact fields, see the following article. (article coming soon)
To map the fields:
Open the Import from file dialog window.
In the PEOPLELINX FIELDS column, select the field mapping that you want to change. If you have previously created custom fields, select the desired field from the drop-down list.
If you want to create a new custom field, click the Add custom field button.
In Field label, enter the name of the custom field.
In the Field type drop-down list, select the field type - text or number.
Click Save.
Finish the Import from file procedure.
Add existing contacts to a PeopleLinx sequence
When adding existing contacts, you can see all contacts that do not participate in any PeopleLinx sequence at the moment. Select the necessary contacts and add them to a sequence:
Add contacts manually
If you need to add contacts manually, click on the Add People/Plus Button > Fill in the profile data for a contact > Click Save.
To make manual adding of contacts quicker, you can use the checkbox Add another contact afterwards at the bottom of a contact sidebar. After saving a contact, the system immediately opens a new contact card and will do so until you uncheck the box.
NOTE: one contact can be a part of only one sequence at a time. If you need to add contacts to a new sequence - you can use the Move to sequence button. For more information on how to move contacts from a CSV file into a sequence, see the following article. (article coming soon)